10 Truths About Little Boys


As an all boy mum with two little boys, I am quickly discovering that the tales told to me by my friends and family about the antics of little boys are frighteningly accurate.

Not to say that girls don’t do some of these things, I can’t say I have any experience of what little girls are like aside from some very sketchy memories of my own childhood but that’s not to say they don’t!

However, here are my Top 10 Truths About Little Boys speaking from firsthand experience!

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Having Kids: Does It Age You Faster or Keep You Younger?


Ok, so I won’t beat around the bush on this one.

I am completely and utterly in the age you faster boat over here and I am totally envious of those who claim they look and feel younger since having kids!

I have to admit that looking in the mirror recently I have begun to wonder who this haggard looking woman is, this new (older) version of myself. I always looked young for my age and dined out on the stories of being ID’d in my late 20’s but lately I have really started to catch up to my age.

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The Myth Of Love At First Sight

Magazines and social media would have us believe that all first time mothers feel an instant bond with their newborn child and fall head over heels in love the second they are born. My Facebook newsfeed is always full of heartfelt birth announcements proclaiming “We are so in love!”. Likewise with those articles you see in magazines with the celebrity of the moment and their newborn baby.

Of course, this is a wonderful thing.

But what if you don’t feel instantly in love with this little screaming, squirming bundle of energy the second you lay eyes on him? Is there something wrong with you? Why don’t you feel this instant love that everyone else is talking about?

And why does no one tell you that this is actually completely normal?

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Natural Cold and Cough Remedy


When I was heavily pregnant the first time around I got really sick with a cold and chest infection and everyone knows when that happens there is not much you can take for it. Luckily my being sick happened to coincide with a visit to my Nanas house and as all Nanas seem to (they really are endless sources of wisdom!), she had a tried and true remedy for getting over colds and coughs and easing symptoms at the same time. Not only that but it was so simple and it actually tasted really nice (I thought so anyway, others may be in my husbands boat and disagree completely!).

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